Sunday, April 17, 2005


These 2 pictures **DO NOT** belong to me , I don't know where I found these from.Attachment possibly.So why did I put these here ? For you ,these are even ,not-so-famous seaside places , see there are hundreds of these kind of places in TURKEY , which is like 100 times better than mexico or any other european country , (if you just want parties you may go to spain as well)(beaches may not be better than cuba though but mediterranean sea is cool)and it's full of ancient greek cities.And it is not that expensive.You soo have to go and see this country before you die ,there are like hundreds of reasons for that.Nightlife ? Cultural tourism ? Excellent holiday resorts ? Great mediterranean sea and perfect beaches? good looking mediterranean boys/girls ? It has everything. Troya ,temple of artemis ,ephesus ,last house of virgin mary are just a few of them.And it's a great country.Visit my country.Seriously.

DAvisville Subway station, toronto.
A church , Mount Pleasant

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I love my balcony.
Turkish Breakfast.Didim , Turkey.
Ankara , Turkey , (a very important note , for those who have no idea how ankara is , this is not really Ankara , this is only a hill outside.As you can imagine , the capital city of turkey cannot be this empty right? please dont let it give you a different idea)
Adalar , Istanbul , Turkey.
From Brooklyn Bridge , New York City .
Havana , Cuba
this was in montreal , Canada .
why did I take this one ?
Toronto , CN Tower.
university of Toronto , last sunday.
From my balcony.I love you sun !
Middle East Technical University ,Ankara, Turkey

Sunday, April 10, 2005

My little bro mehmet ender (on the very left) and my friend utkan kurucu (on the very right)

Saturday, April 09, 2005

CUBA Trip 29 March - 07 April 2005 , Havana - Cuba

my another favourite , I paid 25 cents for this woman to pose me.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

La plaza de la revolucion , havana , Cuba
Hasta la victoria siempre.

What can be better ?
The man.
Calles de habana viaje.
Sky is different in cuba.
the cool security guard and cool sea.
these kids are not from cuba as you may noticed
beach again.
beach ,
The guy from angola , and his friend from honduras.So strange.
vamos bien , we are going well.
a street , havana
Baseball is the most popular in cuba
other che tshirts
in front of capitolio , havana city
hotel at night.
at night.
capitolio , havana city
Well maybe socialism doesnt work that good.
46th anniversary of revolution.
the tower , la plaza de la revolucion.
el marketplace .
my illegal taxi cab. Habana viaje , Cuba . April 3rd 2005